Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

For thanksgiving this year, we decided to go and see some sweet friends that live up in Atlanta, Georgia.  We met the Ray's when we were in Gulfport last year and while we were back home, Jenny and Chris moved to Georgia so Chris could finish his seminary courses.  We love Jenny and Chris to pieces, and hated to see them go.  We always spent the weekends with them, and not having them here this time just seems strange.  When we heard they were staying at home this year, we jumped on the opportunity to see them!

Easton was a huge help packing...rather, he enjoyed taking out something as soon as I got it in the bag.  He does the same with laundry when I try to fold while he is up!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Sallee family 2012!  This was our first holiday that we celebrated since Josh had returned home from deployment.  With it being Thanksgiving as well, we were especially happy!  I have so much to truly be thankful for!  I have been so blessed with an AMAZING family!  Even though we weren't able to celebrate with them this year, we are so, so, SO excited about spending a month up there for Christmas!  I am also beyond thankful that Josh made it home safely!  There are no words to truly describe how thankful I am that we have made it through our first deployment.  He made it home to us without any injury, any serious transition problems, and fingers crossed that will be our only deployment.  We are so thankful that we have a healthy, happy, active baby boy!  He has been such a bright light in our lives!  Our list of thankfulness could go on and on and on...
We weren't too crazy on Black Friday.  We contemplated going late Thursday or midnight Friday, but we decided that we were too lazy and just wanted to sleep.  We did end up getting out about midday on Friday, and hit some shops.  Easton hated riding in his stroller, but he loved pushing it!
Friday night, we met up with The George's.  Funny story.  Ryan and Heather were also in Gulfport last year while we were here, and we spent many weekends and Sunday lunches with them as well.  About two months after Jenny and Chris left Gulfport, Ryan and Heather and their girls took a job up in Georgia and just happen to live in the same town as Jenny and Chris.  It was great to get to see them while we were up there!  Easton was amazed with Ryan playing the guitar.

Ryan and Heather were pregnant when we left last year, and had Darcy in April.  This was the first time we got to meet her, and she was so sweet, cute, and cuddly.  


Easton wanted to be one of the guys so badly!

The ride home Sunday wasn't quite as fun as our weekend had been.  The traffic was horrible, and Easton screamed about the last hour.  But we finally made it home.  Easton has super excited to get home and loved helping Mommy unpack.  We are cramming in unpacking, cleaning, and laundry before we do it again in two weeks!

Hope everyone had a FABULOUS Thanksgiving!